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ASLI sponsor Edinburgh Deaf Festival


We are delighted to announce that ASLI (Association of Sign Language Interpreters) are sponsors of this year’s Edinburgh Deaf Festival 2024.

ASLI provide professional interpreters as well as professional advice on all issues related to sign language interpreting. As previous sponsors of the Edinburgh Deaf Festival, we are grateful for their continued support and help to promote sign language and deaf culture to new and existing audiences.

Tessa Slaughter, Chair of the Board of Directors, said:

“ASLI is delighted to support the Edinburgh Deaf Festival again this year. As the leading membership organisation for sign language interpreters in the UK, we know how important it is to both celebrate deaf arts and culture and also support our hard working interpreters, captioners and all those working behind the scenes. We are proud to contribute to making this unique event happen and to support the wellbeing of staff, volunteers and professionals delivering it.”

Thank you to ASLI for their generous support and for their commitment to helping us improve the accessibility and inclusivity of the arts. We look forward to working together to celebrate the rich language, diversity and talent within the deaf community.

Find out more about ASLI here